Documents that have been issued and are legally binding in a certain country may only be used in other countries after their legalisation in accordance with established procedure. Currently, two types of legalisation are available, namely, consular legalisation and apostilisation.
Apostille is a special stamp confirming validity of an official document that has been issued in another country, upon the condition that both countries are signatories to the Hague Convention of 1961. Endorsement with an apostille certifies authenticity of a signature, the capacity in which a signer acted, and, where appropriate, authenticity of a seal or a stamp that such document bears.
Russia acceded to the Hague Convention in 1992. Today, Russian documents that have been endorsed with an apostille may be accepted in other countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention without consular legalisation.
Please note that apostilling is only possible in the country where documents have been issued. This means that if, for example, you graduate from a higher educational institution in Germany, you should endorse your diploma with an apostille before returning to the Russian Federation, otherwise it will not be valid outside Germany.
EGO Translating Company assists in apostilling the following documents:
• Documents issued by registry authorities (e.g. apostilling a birth certificate);
• Documents issued by the Ministry of Education (e.g. apostilling a diploma or a school graduation certificate);
• Issued and notarised documents (e.g. apostilling a power of attorney, an authorisation for a minor to travel, a copy of a charter, notarised translation of a birth certificate);
• Documents attested by a notary.
We provide services related to apostilling:
• Original documents;
• Notarised copies of documents;
• Translations of documents attested by a notary.
Our advantages
Advantages of cooperation with EGO Translating Company include:
• Consultations provided by expert account managers;
• Order acceptance on a 24/7 basis;
• An invariably profitable combination of cost, term, and quality of services;
• Solution to any task;
• One-year warranty for each translation;
• Strict confidentiality.