EGO Translating Company has accumulated vast experience in compiling industry- and project-specific dictionaries. They are created for virtually any large-scale project. Currently, our terminology base contains over 23,000 terms for 68 subject areas, from aircraft engineering to beauty industry, and comprises 349 glossaries.
When working on any project, especially when texts concentrate on difficult topics, our clients should be confident about the accuracy of terminology that will be used in translation. This is why, along with other services, we offer glossary compilation specifically for a project or industry.
A glossary is a unique terminology management tool ensuring terms uniformity throughout all translation stages. EGO Translating Company lexicographers compile project glossaries on the basis of materials provided by the client. Throughout the course of a project, the glossary is regularly replenished and submitted to the client for approval.
Advantages for you
Advantages of our terminology management:
- Enhanced translation quality: when translating with glossaries, only terminology that has been approved by a client or is generally accepted by the company or industry will be used;
- Consistent terminology throughout a translation project: the client is not required to carry out any additional proofreading.
Glossary compilation and replenishment, as well as related activities, are carried out free of charge.