We offer you to obtain a fast, unbiased and comprehensive assessment of foreign language proficiency levels among your company's employees.
International companies face a challenging problem of how best to assess the level of their employees' proficiency in a foreign language. An increasingly significant task is the analysis of employees' language, speaking, socio-cultural, strategic and other related competencies. For this purpose, Russian specialists frequently take international examinations both in basic and professional foreign languages.
A list of the most eagerly sought international examinations begins with basic English language exams from Cambridge ESOL. An examination line-up consists of five tiered tests:
1. KET (Pre-Intermediate)
2. PET (Intermediate)
3. FCE (Upper-Intermediate)
4. CAE (Advanced)
5. CPE (Proficiency)
Along with basic international examinations, professional English language examinations from Cambridge are also popular - including:
• International Legal English Certificate;
• International Certificate in Financial English;
• IELTS (International English Language Testing System) - an examination that provides an unbiased assessment of skills required when entering a foreign university or moving abroad;
• Business English Certificate, comprising three levels: BEC Preliminary (BEC P); BEC Vantage (BEC V); and BEC Higher (BEC H));
• General Management Admission Test (GMAT) - an English language examination designed to determine mathematical, verbal and analytical skills of those who wish to enter a business school;
• Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) - an examination tailored to teachers, proving their ability to teach English as a foreign language;
• Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - an examination on a foreign language tailored to students and postgraduate students who previously studied in a different language, in order for them to enter a university or submit it for apprenticeship or participation in scientific/professional certified programmes.
Special attention should be paid to The Business Language Testing Service examination. This examination represents a network that allows students to take tests in the English, French, German, and Spanish languages. The English language examination was developed by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations; the French language examination, by the Alliance Francaise; the German language examination, by the Goethe-Institut; the Spanish language examination, by the Universidad de Salamanca. Tests are conducted by Cambridge ESOL; since 1913, this organisation has organised foreign language examination in more than 100 countries around the world and annually issues more than 1,000,000 certificates through Cambridge-accredited examination centres. You may take your examination in either written or electronic form.
The BULATS test is applicable to employees of various profiles - including engineers, managers, bank officers, education staff, workers in the energy and production industries, as well as administrative, R&D and marketing personnel. An important characteristic of this test is that no experience in the business area is required in order to pass it.
Those who know the German language are encouraged to take the following examination:
1. ZDaF (Zertificat Deutsch als Fremdsprache), a first-level certificate in the German language. This provides official proof of basic knowledge of the German language. The certificate confirms that its holder knows the basics of grammar and is able to hold a conversation on general subjects.
2. ZMP (Zentrale Mittelstufenpruefung), an intermediate-level certificate in the German language. This provides official proof of advanced-level knowledge of the German language. The examination involves both oral and written parts. The certificate is issued to those who show a good command of the German language.
3. ZOP (Zentrale Oberstufenpruefung). This is the highest-level certificate, providing official proof of German-language knowledge at a significantly advanced level.
EGO Translating Company conducts preparation for all of these exams. In combination with proprietary programmes elaborated by EGO Translating University, an international examination preparation programme is produced in single packages: Financial EGO and Legal EGO.
In the course of mastering these training programmes, the following subjects are taught:
• Terminology and language of International Accounting Standards (IAS);
• Equity market (incl. the IPO terminology);
• Accounting (with the use of АССА terminology);
• Foreign language for support of transactions;
• Foreign language in the international law of taxation (with the use of International Fiscal Association terminology);
• Foreign language in writing legal communication.
If you wish to enhance your or your employees' proficiency in a professional foreign language, these programmes are tailored to you!