Online payment provided by
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You may pay for EGO Translating Company's services at any time convenient to you:
- Please receive information about the number and cost of an order from the relevant manager at EGO Translating Company.
- Enter all necessary data: order number*; cost of order in RUB**; your data (email, your name or name of your organisation).
- Press the 'Send' button. Information about the payment procedure and payment systems is available in this section.
* - order number starts with a Latin letter - You will be redirected to the website of the DengiOnline payment system. Follow the instructions on this page.
If information is entered correctly, select a method of payment convenient to you:- VISA and MasterCard**
- Internet money and electronic payment systems
- Payment via a mobile operator
- Make payment by means of the method that you selected.
- After processing of payment this information is generally received by EGO Translating Company within 15 minutes. You will receive confirmation of payment to the email address specified in your order form.
** If paying by bank card, please be ready in advance to enter your card's number, validity term, CVV code specified on the reverse side, as well as the holder's name, surname and personal details.
PLEASE NOTE: If payment is, for some reason, not processed, please contact our remote payment partner at . You will receive a detailed consultation on each payment stage.